On Sunday -- as the 6th anniversary of the Iraq invasion draws near -- three short documentaries concerning US war resisters will be shown at Innis College on the University of Toronto campus. All proceeds will support war resister legal defense. If you're in the area, please come, learn and give what you can.
Parallels (10 min) - Two generations of war resisters (Vietnam, Iraq)
Conscience of a Nation: Winter Soldier (30 min) - 30 veterans in 30 minutes, eyewitness accounts of war (a condensed version of the Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan event)
Deserter (24 min) - The journey of a resister couple (Ryan Johnson and Jennifer Johnson) fleeing the US to Canada

After the films, there will be a discussion featuring war resisters.
When and Where:
Sunday March 15, 2 PM
Innis College, University of Toronto
2 Sussex Ave. (at St. George, south of Bloor)
Suggested donation: $7 to $20
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